Hybrid Integration 10.1 | Integrating On-Premises Applications | Integration Server Built-In Services | Flow Folder | pub.flow:HTTPResponse
WmPublic. Document type that specifies the HTTP response information to be returned by Integration Server to the client.
Document Optional. Contains the header fields to be returned in the HTTP response.
String Optional. HTTP status code to be returned to the client.
The response codes and phrases are defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6. If you provide a value for responseCode that is not listed in RFC 7321, Section 6, you must also provide a value for reasonPhrase.
String Optional. HTTP reason phrase to be returned to the client. If no reason is provided, the default reason phrase associated with responseCode will be used. You must provide a reasonPhrase for any responseCode that is not listed in RFC 7321, Section 6.
String Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as a string.
byte[ ] Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as a byte array.
java.io.InputStream Optional. Response to be returned to the client, specified as an InputStream.
Usage Notes
You can set an HTTP response by adding a document reference to the pub.flow:HTTPResponsedocument type in the pipeline of the service and naming the variable as $httpResponse. Using the values set in the $httpResponse, Integration Server sends the response back to the client.
The variable name $httpResponse is case sensitive. To achieve the described behavior, you must use the exact combination of letters and symbols, including upper and lower case.
If multiple documents named $httpResponse exist in a flow service, (multiple nested flow services), Integration Server uses the last $httpResponse value set in the flow service the response header.
If a service adds $httpResponse to the pipeline and also calls the pub.flow:setResponse, pub.flow:setResponse2, pub.flow:setResponseHeader, or pub.flow:setResponseHeaders service, then Integration Server uses the values set in$httpResponse pipeline variable.
Note: Integration Server does not support the use of the pub.flow:HTTPResponse document type for Enterprise Gateway that is configured to use the custom filter.

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