ffData | Object The flat file input with type of String, InputStream, or ByteArray. | ||
ffSchema | String The full name of the flat file schema object used to parse the ffData object. | ||
ffIterator | Object Optional. An object that encapsulates and keeps track of the input data during processing. It is used only when the iterate variable has been set to true. | ||
encoding | String Optional. The encoding of the InputStream passed in to ffData. The default encoding is UTF–8. Note: If the flat file document contains multi-byte encodings, you must install the Extended Character Set using the Software AG Installer. For more information about installing the Extended Character Set, see the “Configuring the flat file byte count parser" section of the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide. | ||
delimiters | Document Optional. An IData object that contains the segment terminator and the field and subfield separators. If the delimiter is null, it will be located using the information defined in the flat file schema. To specify a delimiter, you can specify: One character or character representation (for example, *, \n for line terminator, \t for tab) Hexidecimal value with prefix “0X” (for example, 0X09, 0X13) Octal value with prefix “0” or decimal value (for example, 011, 023) Unicode characters (for example, \uXXXX where XXXX represents the Unicode value of the character) The space character. Important: If you specify one delimiter value, you must specify all values. Specifying one of these values will override any information set in the flat file schema. | ||
Variable | Description | ||
record | String Character used to separate records. If you want to specify the two–character carriage return line feed (CRLF) characters, specify \r\n. | ||
field | String Character used to separate fields. | ||
subfield | String Character used to separate subfields. | ||
release | String Character used to ignore a record, field, or subfield delimiter in a field. If a release character occurs in a field or subfield before the delimiter, it will be prefixed with the release before being written to the output ffValues. | ||
quotedRelease | String Character to use to ignore a record, field, or subfield delimiter in a field. If a quoted release character occurs in a field or subfield before the delimiter, it will be prefixed with quotedRelease before being written to the output string. The string is pre- and appended with the quoted release character. For example, if * is a delimiter, the field value is a*b, and the quoted release character is “, the string appears as “a*b”. | ||
FormatInfo | Document Any values mapped to the FormatInfo variable will be passed unmodified to all format services invoked by convertToString and convertToValues. | ||
iterate | String Optional. Whether you want to process the input all at one time. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | Processes top level records (children of the document root) in the flat file schema one at a time. After all child records of the top level record are processed, the iterator moves to the top level of the next record in the flat file schema, until all records are processed. | ||
false | Processes all input data at one time. This is the default. | ||
createIfNull | String Optional. Whether to create the IData object if all the fields are null. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | Always create IS document even though all the fields are null. | ||
false | No IS document (IData object) will be created if all the fields are null. This is the default. | ||
skipWhiteSpace | String Optional. Whether white space at the beginning of records will be ignored. Note: The fixed length record parser ignores skipWhiteSpace; it preserves white space. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | Ignore white spaces at the beginning of a record. This is the default. | ||
false | Record is used as it is identified (useful for positional data record). | ||
keepResults | String Optional. Whether to return the parsed data in the ffValues output parameter. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | The parsed ffData will be returned in the output ffValues. This is the default. | ||
false | ffValues will not return data. Use this option when validating the structure of the ffData against the given flat file schema. | ||
validate | String Optional. Whether to return error messages that describe how ffData differs from the flat file schema. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | Do not return error messages describing how ffData differs from the specified flat file schema. This is the default. | ||
false | Return errors describing how the given ffData violates the constraints described in the flat file schema. | ||
returnErrors | String Optional. Whether to return the validation errors. Validation errors are returned only if validate is set to true. | ||
Value | Description | ||
asArray | Return any validation errors with the ffData in an array called errors. This is the default. | ||
inResults | Return validation errors in the ffValues object. | ||
both | Return validation errors in both errors and ffValues. | ||
maxErrors | String Optional. The maximum number of errors that can be returned from one record. When the flat file parser encounters more than the maximum number of errors within a record, the parser will stop parsing and return the parsed data and errors processed up until that point. Validation errors are returned only if validate is set to true. | ||
flags | String Optional. Flags that you can set to govern convertToValues options. | ||
Variable | Description | ||
addRecordCount | String Whether you want the service to add an additional field (@record–count) to each parsed record in the resulting IData object (ffValues). The @record–count field is used to identify the record number of each parsed record. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | The @record–count field is added to each parsed record. This field contains the number of the parsed record. The first parsed record is 1, the second is 2, etc. If there are records that are undefined data, the count of the next defined record will reflect the undefined data. For example, if the @record–count field for a record is 2 and that record contains 5 undefined records, the @record–count field for the next defined record will be 8. | ||
false | The @record–count field is not added to each parsed record. This is the default. | ||
detailedErrors | String Whether you want detailed conditional validation error information. This flag is only used when validate is true. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | When a conditional validation error occurs, the output errors variable will contain detail information about all the conditions that were violated. For more information, see Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide. | ||
false | When a conditional validation error occurs, the service does not provide detail error information. Conditional validators report only whether a condition failed validation with no additional information about the conditions that were violated. This is the default. | ||
skipToFirstRecord | String Whether you want the service to wait until it finds the first valid record before reporting invalid records as errors. | ||
Value | Description | ||
true | The service will wait until it finds the first valid record before reporting invalid records as errors. This is the default. | ||
false | The service will report invalid records as errors prior to locating the first valid record. | ||
trimWhitespace | String Whether you want the service to delete any blank spaces at the beginning of fields, at the end of fields, or both. | ||
Value | Description | ||
none | The service will not delete any blank spaces from fields. This is the default. | ||
left | The service will delete all blank spaces at the beginning of all fields. | ||
right | The service will delete all blank spaces at the end of all fields. | ||
both | The service will delete all blank spaces at the beginning and end of all fields. | ||
resultAsArray | String Whether you want the service to return the ffValues output parameter as an IData[] that can be mapped to the document types generated from the schema. An IData[] is a document List. The resultAsArray parameter is used only when the iterate input parameter is set to true. | ||
Value | Description | ||
false | The service returns the ffValues output parameter as an IData[] that can be mapped to the document types generated from the schema. This is the default. | ||
true | The service returns the ffValues output parameter as an IData object and not as an IData[]. |
ffValues | Document The IData object that represents the input flat file data. | |
ffIterator | Object Optional. An object that encapsulates and keeps track of the input records during processing. It is used only when the iterate variable has been set to true. When all input data has been processed, the object becomes null. When the ffIterator variable is null, you should exit the LOOP to discontinue processing. | |
isValid | String Whether flat file contains validation errors. | |
Value | Description | |
true | The validate input variable was set to true and no errors were found. | |
false | The validate input variable was set to true and errors were found, or the validate input variable was set to false. | |
errors | String Optional. An array containing the validation errors, if any, that were found in ffData. For more information about validation error codes see Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide. |