Hybrid Integration 10.1 | Integrating On-Premises Applications | Document Conventions | Building Services | About Service Auditing | Service Auditing Use Cases | Error Auditing
Error Auditing
In error auditing, you use the service log to track and re-invoke failed services. To use the service log for error auditing, services must generate audit data when errors occur, and the Integration Server must save a copy of the service’s input pipeline in the service log.
With webMethods Monitor, you can only re-invoke top-level services (those services invoked directly by a client or by a webMethods Messaging Trigger). Therefore, if your intent with error auditing is to re-invoke failed services, the service needs to generate audit data only when it is the top-level service and it fails.
To make sure the service log contains the information needed to perform error auditing, select the following Audit properties.
For this property...
Select this option...
Enable auditing
When top-level service only
Note: If you want to be able to audit all failed invocations of this service, select Always.
Include pipeline
On errors only
Log on
Error only
To use the service log for error auditing, use a database for the service log.

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