Integrating Cloud Applications on Software AG Hosted Environment : Administering Integration Server : Authenticating Clients : Client Certificates : Certificate Mapping
Certificate Mapping
Ports and Certificate Mappings
Importing a Certificate (Client or CA Signing Certificate) and Mapping It to a User
Changing a Certificate Mapping
The certificate mapping feature allows you to store client certificates on an Integration Server and associate each of the certificates with a user account (for example, a certificate may be used to identify the user FINANCE). When a client presents one of these certificates, Integration Server logs the client in as the user "mapped" to the certificate.
My webMethods Server also allows you to associate a certificate and a user. If central user management is configured in Integration Server, Integration Server will automatically check the My webMethods Server database for certificate mappings when it cannot locate the user in its local store. Refer to Administering My webMethods Server for further details.
Be careful when mapping a user to particular client certificate. Make sure that the user's authorization level is an appropriate match.
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