Field | Description |
Server URL | Provide the login endpoint to initiate communication with the SaaS provider. For example, |
Response Timeout | The number of milliseconds Integration Cloud waits for a response before canceling its attempt to connect to the back end. In case the network is slow or the back end processing takes longer than usual, increase the Response Timeout value. It is recommended to specify a value other than 0. If you specify 0, Integration Cloud will wait indefinitely for a response. |
Retry Count on Response Failure | The number of times Integration Cloud attempts to connect to the back end to read a response if the initial attempt fails. If an I/O error occurs, it will retry only if you have selected the Retry on Response Failure option. |
Retry on Response Failure | Whether Integration Cloud should attempt to resend the request when the response has failed, even though the request was sent successfully. Select this option if you want to re-establish the connection. |
MSU Limit | MindSphere Unit (MSU) limit for an asset. MSU is the basis for fees invoiced monthly per asset and as per a used application. |
Security Profile | The type of security profile/algorithm used for token generation. Default is SHARED_SECRET. |
Agent Id | The ID of the agent managing a MindSphere asset. |
Schemas | Schemas used by the MindSphere platform. Default is urn:siemens:mindsphere:v1. |
IAT | Initial access token for agent onboarding. |
Tenant | The tenant ID of the onboarded agent. |
Links | Links returned upon successful agent onboarding. |
JWT Signing Algorithm | The JSON Web Token (JWT) signing algorithm. Default is HS256 (HMAC with SHA 256). |
JWT Token Expiration (msec) | The JWT token expiration time in milliseconds. Default is 600000. |
JWT Audience | The JWT Audience. Default is MindSphere AS. |