Integrating Cloud Applications on Software AG Hosted Environment : Integration Cloud : Containers : Managing Repositories
Managing Repositories
Viewing Tag Details
Images or repositories are read-only templates from which containers are instantiated. The Repositories screen allows you to view, delete, and add repositories for a stage. You can select a repository and click Delete to delete a repository or click Add New Repository to add a repository. In the Add New Repository screen, select the Deployment Stage and enter the Repository Name. If a stage is not enabled to access containers, contact Support to enable the stage.
To view the details of a tag from the Repositories screen
1. Select a repository and then click the repository link under the Name column.
The Image Tags screen is displayed. A list of all image tags is displayed along with their names.
2. From the Image Tags screen, you can select an image tag and delete it or add a new service for the tag. See Viewing Tag Details for more information.
3. Click the Commands tab to view and copy the commands on how to log in, tag images, push images, or pull images.
Log in to the system: #docker login -u <username> -p <password> https://<subdomain>.<>/, for example, docker login -u -p test123
Tag an image or repository: #docker tag <imagename>:<tagname> <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker tag is_912:withkeystore
Push or upload an image or repository: #docker push <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker push
Pull or download an image or repository: docker pull <>/<subdomain>/<stage name>/<image-name>:<tag-name>, for example, #docker pull
Managing Services
Viewing Tag Details
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