Integrating Cloud Applications on Software AG Hosted Environment : Integration Cloud : Applications
Creating SOAP Applications
REST Applications
Integration Cloud allows you to create and govern Integrations between Software as a Service (SaaS) or on-premises applications. A set of predefined and configurable Applications are provided, for example, Salesforce, StrikeIron, ServiceNow, and so on. The Applications allow you to connect to the particular SaaS providers.
You can also create SOAP and REST Applications from this page. To create a SOAP Application, click Add New Application, select Create SOAP Application, and then click OK. To create a REST Application, click Add New Application, select Create REST Application, and then click OK. FTP and SFTP Applications are available that allow Integration Cloud to connect to FTP and SFTP servers.
On-Premise applications loaded from on-premise systems are also listed in the Applications page but you will not be able to create Accounts or Operations for on-premise applications. Those can be uploaded only from the webMethods Integration Server. Further, when you upload services as part of an application from the on-premise Integration Server to webMethods Integration Cloud, the comments field of the service is uploaded and displayed in the webMethods Integration Cloud application. This field will be displayed if present and cannot be edited. See the Configuring On-Premise Integration Servers for webMethods Cloud document for more information.
From the Applications page, you can create Accounts and Operations for an Application and Integrations between different SaaS applications. For an Application, you can click Accounts, Operations, or Integrations if you want to create or edit them for that Application. For REST Applications, the Documents Types link allows you to create new Document Types. Document Types created for a REST Application appears only in the Document Types panel for the selected REST Application.
If you have the required access privileges, you can also click the Upgrade button to upgrade Application assets (Accounts, Operations, and the associated Integrations) from a lower version to a higher version.
To use an Application, you are required to agree to the summary of terms. Click I agree to use the Application. Click I do not agree if you disagree with the summary of terms and do not want to use the Application. Click Cancel to go back to the Applications page.
Users who have the required access privileges under Settings > Access Profiles > Administrative Permissions > Functional Controls can create, update, administer, execute, deploy, or delete the Accounts, Operations, Integrations, Stages, Advanced Security, Document Types, and Reference Data information.
Advanced Security
Creating SOAP Applications
Access Profiles
Stage Management
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