Integration Server Administrator's Guide : An Overview of the Server : How the Server Loads Java Classes : Classpaths : How the Integration Server Classpaths Are Specified
How the Integration Server Classpaths Are Specified
When you start Integration Server, a script file named startup.bat (on Windows) or (on Unix) runs. Among other things, the startup.bat/sh file builds an Integration Server classpath variable, which consists of the following:
Directory or variable
The -Dwatt.server.prepend.classes property of the
Software AG_directory
Variable defined in custom_wrapper.conf that defines directories to prepend to the beginning of the classpath.
The -Dwatt.server.append.classes property of the
Software AG_directory
Variable defined in custom_wrapper.conf that defines directories to append to the end of the classpath.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\bin\ini.cnf
The application.classpath property from IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\bin\ini.cnf. This typically specifies classes in the following directories, in this order:
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\lib\jars\custom
All custom or third party .jar and .zip files in this directory.
Use this directory to store your custom or third party .jar and .zip files that you want to make available to a server specific instance.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\jars\static
All .jar and .zip files from this directory in each package. The files are added to the classpath in the order returned by the File.list() method.
Jars contained in this directory will be loaded even if the associated package is disabled.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\libs
If this directory exists, then:
IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\classes is included, if it exists.
IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\packages\package_name\code\ is included, if it exists.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\instances\instance_name\updates
Valid, and non-voided updates and fixes.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\lib\jars
All .jar and .zip files in this directory.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\lib\jars\custom
Common custom and third party .jar and .zip files in this directory.
Use this directory to store your custom and third party .jar and .zip files that you want to make available to all server instances.
Software AG_directory \IntegrationServer\updates
Common valid, and non-voided updates and fixes.
The updates and fixes in this directory are available to all server instances.
In some cases, the Integration Server About page will display the names of files that do not exist. If filenames specified in the and properties for the Integration Server classpath do not exist, they will still be displayed on the Integration Server About page. If the ini.cnf file refers to jar files that do not exist, they will also be displayed on the About page and the following error will be written to the server log for each non-existent jar file: Classpath entry in ini.cnf not found: <jar_file_name>.
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