Administering Mediator : Mediator Configurations : EDA/Database Configuration for Publishing Run-Time Events and Metrics : Configuring Mediator to Publish Events and Metrics to EDA/Database
Configuring Mediator to Publish Events and Metrics to EDA/Database
You can configure Mediator to publish events and metrics to EDA/Database. You can achieve this as follows:
*If you are publishing the Mediator events to the JDBC destination, ensure that a JDBC connection pool is defined in Integration Server and associated with the Mediator functional alias. JDBC connection pools are specified in the Integration Server Administrator's Settings > JDBC Pools page.
If a JDBC connection pool is not defined in Integration Server, you must define one as described in the section Connect Products to Database Components in the document Installing Software AG Products.
You cannot use Integration Server's embedded database for publishing events and metrics.
*If you are publishing the Mediator events to a messaging server such as Software AG Universal Messaging using the EDA capabilities, you must install and start the messaging server before you start Integration Server.
To configure Mediator to publish events and metrics to an EDA/Database destination
Ensure that you:
*Define an Integration Server Connection Pool.
*Point an Integration Server Function at an Integration Server Function Pool.
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Navigation panel, select Solutions > Mediator > Administration > EDA/Database.
3. On the EDA/Database Configuration screen, click Edit.
4. Under Event Types, complete the fields as follows:
Event Type
Specify whether to publish Lifecycle events. A Lifecyle event occurs each time Mediator starts or shuts down.
Specify whether to publish Error events. An Error event occurs each time an invocation of a virtual service results in an error.
Policy Violation
Specify whether to publish Policy Violation events. A Policy Violation event occurs each time an invocation of a virtual service violates a run-time policy that was set for the virtual service.
5. Under Performance Metrics, mark the Publish Interval checkbox and enter a value from 1 through 60 in the field next to it. The default is 60. This setting specifies how often (in minutes) Mediator must report performance metrics. For more information, see The Metrics Tracking Interval.
6. Under Destinations, specify a destination to publish the events and KPI metrics.
Event Type
Emit to Database
Specify whether Mediator must publish the events and KPI metrics to the database (that is, a JDBC connection pool associated with the function alias named, Mediator).
Emit to Default EDA Endpoint
Specify whether Mediator must publish the events and KPI metrics to the default EDA endpoint. If you select this option, Mediator publishes the events to the Universal Messaging event bus.
For details on enabling EDA for events in CentraSite, see CentraSite User’s Guide.
7. Click Save.
Your changes take effect immediately.
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