Parameter | Description |
CentraSite-URL | (Optional). The URL of the CentraSite registry/repository. For example, http://localhost:53307/CentraSite/CentraSite |
archive-filename | The name of the exported archive (Zip) file. The archive file can contain an organization with its assets or can contain a set of objects that were exported from one or more organizations. |
username | The user ID of a registered CentraSite user who has the CentraSite Administrator role. For example, Administrator. |
password | The password for the CentraSite user identified by the parameter username. |
-help | (Optional). Display the full description of ImportArchive command (with detailed parameters and options description). |
-executewsdlpolicy | (Optional). Execute the WSDL Regeneration policy for service import. By default, the command execution ignores the policy. |
-ignoretypeversion | (Optional). Ignore the version check on asset types. |
-importgroup | (Optional). Import the groups that include a single user. |
-importkeys id[,id...] | (Optional). Import only those objects which have keys specified. |
-importorg id | (Optional). Import the objects into the organization specified by the UUID. |
-importorgname name | (Optional). Import the objects into the organization specified by the name. |
-keeplcmstate | (Optional). Keep the LCM state of the object which is set at export. |
-keepowner | (Optional). Keep the object owner instead of assigning the importing user. |
-keeporganization | (Optional). Keep the organization of the imported objects instead of assigning the active one performing the message logging. |
-listonly | (Optional). Print only the list of objects to be imported. The -listonly option can be used to adjust the -skip option. No updates will be performed with the -sequential option. |
-minimizeaudits | (Optional). Import only first and last audit record for each object, along with the -sequential option. |
-removemissingreferences | (Optional). Remove all missing associations that could cause dangling references. |
-setowner name | (Optional). All the imported objects will be set to a specified user. |
-setreplace | (Optional). Replace objects if already present in the target registry. |
-simulate | (Optional). Simulate the import, however, do not updates the objects in the target registry. |
-sequential | (Optional). Imports the objects sequentially in a reasonable order. |
-skip cnt | (Optional). Skip records before importing, along with the -sequential option. |