API Portal Administrator's Guide : Configuring API Portal : Managing Tenants : Creating tenants
Creating tenants
You should be a user in the master tenant and have both Tenant administrator and User administrator privileges to create a tenant.
To create a tenant
1. Create a tenant by logging into API Portal Cloud Controller (ACC) and executing the following ACC commands.
acc > set acc cfg create.tenant.app.types=UMC,ECP
acc > set acc config create.tenant.operations=createTenant
acc > create tenant <<tenant.name>>
<<tenant.name>> is the name of the new tenant being created. If the master tenant user password has been modified, you can supply the credentials as part of create tenant command as shown below.
acc > create tenant <<tenant.name>>
The tenant.user.pwd and tenant.superuser.pwd are the passwords that you want to set for the system and superuser accounts of the new tenant.
2. Import the license into the new tenant by executing the following command.
acc > invoke enhancement_importLicense on apiportalbundle_s tenant.name=
<<tenant.name>> local file enhancement.path="<<location to license file>>"
3. Prepare the new tenant for API Portal installation by executing the following command.
acc> invoke prepareTenant on apiportalbundle_s tenant.name=<<tenant.name>>
If the tenant user name and passwords are changed, the default values can be overridden using parameters tenant.user.name/tenant.user.pwd as explained in step 1. The isDemo flag has to be set to true if you want to prepare a demo tenant similar to sagtours.
If you face any problem while preparing tenant for API Portal, you can lookup the logs located at <SAG_InstallDir> \API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_s \base\webapps\abs\logs\apiPortalTenantProvisioning.log
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