Administering Mediator : Advanced Settings and Server Configuration Parameters : Advanced Settings : pg.apiportal.
Specifies the API Portal destinations which are saved as XML files, for example, apiportal.xml file is saved in the resources/apiportal folder.
Specifies whether Mediator collects and reports performance data to API Portal.
You can select Report Performance Data option on the Mediator > Administration > API Portal page in Integration Server Administrator. If this option is not selected then the value is false. The default is true.
Specifies whether to publish Error events to API Portal. The default is false.
You can select Error event type in the Event Types section available on the Mediator > Administration > API Portal page in Integration Server Administrator.
Specifies whether to publish Lifecycle events to API Portal. The default is false.
You can select Lifecycle event type in the Event Types section available on the Mediator > Administration > API Portal page in Integration Server Administrator.
Specifies whether to publish Policy Violation events to API Portal. The default is false.
You can select Policy Violation event type in the Event Types section available on the Mediator > Administration > API Portal page in Integration Server Administrator.
Specifies how often (in minutes) Mediator publishes performance data to API Portal. The default is 60.
You can edit this parameter from the Publish Interval (minutes) option on the Mediator > Admsinistration > API Portal page in Integration Server Administrator.
In clustered environment, if you modify any of the API Portal properties, restart the instance for which the modifications have been made and then restart all the other Integration Server nodes to synchronize these modifications.
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