Key | Description |
alertDesc | The alert message defined in the run-time policy action. Example: EnforcePolicy-HardLimit |
alertSource | The name of the policy that contains the Monitor Service Performance or Monitor Service Level Agreement action that produced the event. Example: EnforcePolicy |
alertType | The value Monitor means the event was produced by the Monitor Service Performance action. The value Sla means the event was produced by the Monitor Service Level Agreement action or the Throttling Traffic Optimization action. Example: policy violation, service level monitoring, and so on. |
apiId | Sequential primary key. This column does not contain a NULL value. Example: c0f84954-9732-11e5-b9f4-f159eafe47b2 |
apiName | Name of the API invoked. This column does not contain a NULL value. Example: VirtualService_MonitoringEvent |
apiVersion | Version of the API. By default, for every version of an API a system version number is generated. At the same time, user can also provide a version number which is set as a user version. Example: API 1.0 and API 2.0 |
consumerId | The system generated consumer application ID. Example: c0f84954-9732-11e5-b9f4-f159eafe47b2 |
consumerIp | Consumer IP. Example: |
consumerName | Comma-separated consumer names identified based on the policy that triggered the event. Example: <consumer application name> |
creationDate | Timestamp when the event is created. Example: 2015-08-26 04:13:35 PM |
eventType | Type of the event. Value: MonitorEvents |
monitorAttr | The expression rule that was breached in the run-time policy. If multiple conditions are specified for the policy, only the first expression is included here. Example: REQUESTCOUNT GT 7.0 |
operationName | Virtual service operation which has been invoked. Example: in calc API, the operations include add, sub, multi, and div. If add operation is invoked the operation name has add. |
sessionId | Session token. This is the IS session token or a GUID if the token is missing from the message context. Example: 779be3201e5f19b3b0e0ab264379ebd3 |
targetName | Specifies the name of the Mediator instance from where the event is published. Example: LOCAL-MED |