Error Handler Variable | Description |
$ERROR_MESSAGE | When a fault is returned by the native service provider, this variable contains the message produced by the provider's exception that caused the error. This is equivalent to the getMessage call on the Java Exception. This maps to the faultString element for SOAP 1.1 or the Reason element for SOAP 1.2 catch. For REST service calls, the message is returned inside an </Exception> tag. If the response is XML, the message is returned inside <Exception>'custom message'</Exception>. If the response is JSON, it is returned inside {"Exception":"Invalid response"}. When a fault is returned by internal Mediator exceptions (policy violation errors, timeouts, and so on), this variable contains the error messages generated by Mediator. |
$OPERATION | The operation that was invoked when this error occurred. |
$SERVICE | The service that was invoked when this error occurred. |
$TIME | The time (as determined on the Container side) at which the error occurred. |
$DATE | The date (as determined on the Container side) at which the error occurred. |
$CLIENT_IP | The IP address of the client invoking the service. This might be available for only certain invoking protocols, such as HTTP(S). |
$USER | The currently authenticated user. The user is present only if the Transport or SOAP Message have user credentials. |
$CONSUMER_APPLICATION | The currently identified consumer application. If the service's policy does not contain the Identify Consumer action, $CONSUMER_APPLICATION returns null. |