Note: | Make sure that you specify an image file using its relative path in the <CentraSiteInstall_Directory>\cast\cswebapps\BusinessUI\custom\images directory. In a Windows environment, use forward slashes instead of backward slashes in the path name. |
Layout Component | Configuration Property | Description |
CENTRASITE | ProductLogo | Contains property settings that are used to modify the company logo in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the company logo, configure the property statement: <ProductLogo tooltip= "CS_MSG_INMBX_LBL_PRODUCT_INTRO_HEADER"> images/custom/cs_product_logo_70x70.png </ProductLogo> |
Welcome | dashboard | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Welcome title in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the Welcome title, configure the property statement: <HeaderLink id="dashboard" displayName="CS_MSG_INMBU_LINK_DASHBOARD" token="welcome:welcome" /> |
Inbox | inbox | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Inbox title in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the Inbox title, configure the property statement: <HeaderLink id="inbox" displayName="CS_MSG_INMBU_LINK_INBOX" token="inbox:inbox" /> |
Help | help | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Help title in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the Help title, configure the property statement: <HeaderLink id="help" displayName="CS_MSG_INMBU_LINK_HELP" token="help:help" /> |
About | about | Contains property settings that are used to modify the About title in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the About title, configure the property statement: <HeaderLink id="about" displayName="CS_MSG_INMBU_LINK_ABOUT" token="about:about" /> |
| | HeaderMenuSeparator | To modify the separator, configure the property statement: <HeaderMenuSeparator tooltip= "CS_MSG_INMBX_LBL_HEADER_MENU_SEPERATOR"> images/custom/Separator_White_1X1.png </HeaderMenuSeparator> |
Important: | You cannot customize the header link Log Out (even if you belong to the CentraSite Administrator role). |
Layout Component | Configuration Property | Description |
TypeAhead Search | TypeAheadSearch | Contains property settings that are used to modify the TypeAhead Search textbox in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the TypeAhead Search textbox, configure the property statement: <TypeAheadSearch minOffsetToStartSearch="3" numOfResultsToShow="5" maxCharactersToShow="60" /> |
Browse (link) | BrowseLink | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Browse link. If the attribute visiblity is set to true, then the Browse link will appear in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. This helps users to browse for assets in the CentraSite registry using the advanced search options. If the attribute visiblity is set to false, then the Browse link will not appear in the user interface. This enforces users to manually specify the keywords in the TypeAhead Search textbox. You can customize the Browse link in the following ways: Enable or disable the Browse link Provide a custom URL Rename the Browse link To modify the details of the Browse link, configure the property statement: <BrowseLink visiblity="true" displayName="CS_MSG_INMBU_LINK_BROWSE" token="browse:browse" /> |
Everything Assets | SearchScopes | Contains property settings that are used to modify the list of search scopes in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the list of search scopes, configure the property statement: <SearchScopes> <SearchScope id="Everything" isExpandable="true" class= "com.softwareag.centrasite.api.csom. search.impl.EverythingScope" exclude= "uddi:7613515f-77eb-11dd-bc9f-f62b6cf80b00"> INMCL_STR_Everything</SearchScope> <SearchScope id="Assets" isExpandable="false" class= "com.softwareag.centrasite.api.csom. search.impl.AssetScope" exclude= "uddi:7613515f-77eb-11dd-bc9f-f62b6cf80b00"> INMCL_STR_Assets</SearchScope> </SearchScopes> |
Search (icon) | SearchIcon | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Search icon in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the Search icon, configure the property statement: <SearchIcon>images/custom/SearchButton.png</SearchIcon> |
Create Asset Generate Reports Manage Organizations Manage Governance Rules Manage Taxonomies Asset Navigator | Activities | Contains property settings that are used to modify the list of activities in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the list of activities, configure the property statement: <Activities> <Activity id="Create Assets" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. CreateAssetActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTIVITY_CREATE_ASSET </Activity> <Activity id="Global Reports" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. GlobalReportActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTIVITY_GLOBAL_REPORTS </Activity> <Activity id="Manage Organizations" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. ManageOrganizationsActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTIVITY_MANAGE_ORGANIZATIONS </Activity> <Activity id="ManageGovernanceRules" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. ManageGovernanceRulesActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTIVITY_MANAGE_GOVERNANCE_RULES </Activity> <Activity id="ManageTaxonomies" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. ManageTaxonomiesActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTIVITY_MANAGE_TAXONOMIES </Activity> <Activity id="Asset Navigator" class="com.softwareag.centrasite.api. activity.impl. AssetNavigatorActivityImpl"> INMCL_ACTION_ASSETNAVIGATOR </Activity> </Activities> |
Layout Component | Configuration Property | Description |
Portlets | Portlets | Contains property settings that are used to modify the list of portlets in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the list of portlets, configure the property statement: <Portlets> <Portlet id="MyFavoritesPortlet" description="INMBU_STR_PORTLET_FAVORITES_DESC" type="text" dataFeed="MyFavorites" icon="images/system/favorites_16X16.png" row="0" column="0" isVisible="true" refreshInterval="0" actions= "configure,refresh"> INMBU_STR_PORTLET_NAME_MY_FAVORITES </Portlet> ... </Portlets> |
PortletActions | Portlets | Contains property settings that are used to modify the list of actions in each portlet in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. To modify the list of portlet actions, configure the property statement: <PortletActions> <PortletAction id="configure"> INMBU_STR_PORTLET_ACTION_EDIT </PortletAction> <PortletAction id="refresh"> INMBU_STR_PORTLET_ACTION_REFRESH </PortletAction> </PortletActions> |
Layout Component | Configuration Property | Description |
Time | Time | Contains property settings that are used to modify Time. If the attribute visiblity is set to true, then the Time will appear in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. If the attribute visiblity is set to false, then the Time will not appear in the user interface. To enable or disable Time, configure the property statement: <Time visiblity="true" /> |
Powered by Software AG | PoweredBy | Contains property settings that are used to modify the Software AG logo. If the attribute visiblity is set to true, then the Software AG logo will appear in the Welcome page of CentraSite Business UI. If the attribute visiblity is set to false, then the Software AG logo will not appear in the user interface. To enable or disable the Powered by Software AG logo, configure the property statement: <PoweredBy tooltip="CS_MSG_INMBX_LBL_FOOTER_TEXT" visiblity="true">images/system/ webfooter_powered_by.png </PoweredBy> |