Integration Server Administrator's Guide : Configuring Integration Server for webMethods Messaging : Configuring Document Stores : Enabling Inbound Client-Side Queuing
Enabling Inbound Client-Side Queuing
If Integration Server connects to a 6.0.1 version of the Broker, you can use inbound client-side queuing. When inbound client-side queuing is enabled, Integration Server stores received documents on disk and acknowledges documents to the Broker immediately after receipt and storage. When inbound client-side queuing is disabled, Integration Server stores received documents in memory and acknowledges documents to the webMethods Broker after processing completes.
Inbound client-side queuing is not available when Integration Server connects to a 6.1 or later version of the Broker. For information about using client-side queuing with a 6.0.1 version of the Broker, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide version 6.0.1.
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