API Portal Administrator's Guide : Managing Data in API Portal : Backing up and Restoring Tenant-specific Data : Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Failures
Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Failures
In case the back up or restore process fails, check whether all components are running. To do so, use API Portal Cloud Controller (ACC).
To troubleshoot backup and restore failures
1. Check whether all components are running using ACC.
a. To start ACC under a Windows operating system click Start > All Programs > webMethods API Portal > Administration > Start webMethods API Portal Cloud Controller.
To start ACC under a Linux operating system, run the acc.sh file. ACC is available if you have copied and installed the files aris-acc_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT_amd64.deb or aris-cloud-agent-1.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm depending on the Linux operating system.
b. Type help or help <command> to get information about the usage of the commands.
c. Type list to monitor the status of all components (runnables). This example shows ACC of a API Portal Connect Server installation for a medium number of users.
All Components with their states are listed.
ACC+ arisserver>list
7 installed runnables.
apiportalbundle_s :STARTED com.aris.runnables.apiportal_s
zoo_s : STARTED (com.aris.runnables.zookeeper-
postgres_s : STARTED (com.aris.runnables.PostgreSQL-
kibana_s : STARTED (com.aris.runnables.kibana-
cloudsearch_s : STARTED (com.aris.cip.y-cloudsearch-
elastic_s : STARTED (com.aris.runnables.elasticsearch-
loadbalancer_s : STARTED (com.aris.runnables.httpd.httpd-
ACC+ arisserver>
The status of all components represented by their instance IDs are listed. Possible states are:
*UNKNOWN: The component state is not yet known. This state is shown directly after the agent was started.
*STOPPED: The component is currently not running.
*STARTING: The component is starting, but this process is not complete yet.
*STARTED: The component is running.
*STOPPING: The component is stopping, but this process is not complete yet.
*DOWN: This component has and crashed. The agent attempts to automatically restart the component momentarily.
*FAILED: Component has crashed. The agent has given up trying to restart the component.
2. Perform one of the following:
*Perform the following preliminary task in a distributed environment using the ACC REST service
Post a http request to http://loadbalancer_host:loadbalancer_port/acc/rest/nodes/ with payload:
"nodename": "<<hostname>>",
"hostname": "<<hostname>>",
"port": "<<acc_portno>>",
"username": "Clous",
"password": "g3h31m"
Your system is now ready to start the backup or restore operation.
*Start the backup or restore operation using a configuration file.
i. Stop the component work_apiportalbundle_s through ACC using the Stop work_apiportalbundle_s command.
ii. Edit the file in the path <Installation directory>\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_s\base\webapps\abs\WEB-INF\config\spring\ext\apiportal-servlet.xml.
iii. Add the new entry for the distributed ACC server host and port in the bean section.
<bean id="addNodeAction"
<property name="nodeList">
<entry key="" value="9001" />
<entry key="localhost" value="18002" />
iv. Restart the component work_apiportalbundle_s through ACC using the Start work_apiportalbundle_s command.
Your system is now ready for the backup or restore operation.
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