Note: | Restart CentraSite after setting the Event Receiver configuration properties in the web.xml configuration file. |
Database Property | Description | || | The URL of the RuntimeEvents Collection database. All run-time events persist to this database. | || | The user name that the Events Listener used for authentication before persisting event data to the RuntimeEvents Collection database. The default value of this property is the predefined user EventsUser. Optionally, you can change the value EventsUser to any login user who has the following privileges: Write access on the Tamino collection RuntimeEvents. Read access on TargetTypes, Targets, RuntimeEventTypes, and LogUnit, which are under the Tamino collection CentraSite. If you want to change the value to a login user, type that login user's name in the form <hostName>\<userName>.
| || | The non-activity timeout in seconds for the RuntimeEvents Collection database (default 2592000 seconds (30 days)). |
SNMPv3 Transport Property | Description | || | Wire transport protocol that is used by the SNMP Listener. Supported values are: TCP and UDP. | || | The CentraSite host name or IP address to which the SNMP listener binds.
| || | The port to which the SNMP listener binds. The default is 8181. If Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed (or can be installed) on the same machine hosting Integration Server/Mediator, then you may want to change the default SNMP port of 8181 to something else, to avoid any potential runtime conflicts when sending SNMP packets. | || | Maximum inbound message size in bytes (an integer). Traps that exceed this size limit is rejected. Default value is 256Kb. | || | The SNMP Listener's Worker-Thread pool size (default is 10). This determines the throughput of the Listener. |
SNMPv3 USM Property | Description | || | EngineId to be used by the SNMP Listener. If the parameter is left blank, the SNMP Listener auto-generates the engineId. | || | The SecurityName to be used by the SNMP Listener. | || | The Maximum SecurityLevel to be supported by SNMP Listener. Supported values in order are: NOAUTH_NOPRIV, AUTH_NOPRIV, and AUTH_PRIV. For example, AUTH_PRIV provides the highest level of security but also supports the other two levels. Similarly, AUTH_NOPRIV supports NOAUTH_NOPRIV. | || | Authorization protocol to be used by the SNMP Listener for decoding the incoming trap. Supported values are: MD5 and SHA. | || | The PassPhrase key to be used by the Authorization protocol. The PassPhrase key length should be >= 8. The key is stored in this file; the PassPhrase value is stored securely in passman.
| || | The Privacy protocol to be used by the SNMP Listener for decoding the incoming trap. Supported values are: DES, AES128, AES, AES192, AES256, 3DES, and DESEDE. | || | The PassPhrase key to be used by the PrivacyProtocol. The PassPhrase length should be >= 8. The key is stored in this file; the PassPhrase value is stored securely in passman.
Events Queue Property | Description | eventsQueueImpl | Supported values are: FileSystem: Incoming Traps are stored temporarily in the file system InMemory: Incoming Traps are stored temporarily in memory NoQueue: Incoming Traps are not stored in any intermediate queue and the SNMP Listener threads are processed one by one. |
FileSystem or InMemory Property | Description | | Enables or disables batch insertion of events into the database. Supported values are true and false. If true, events are batched according to the batching rules properties and the batch is stored to the database. If false, events are stored to the database one by one. | | Maximum number of events in a batch. This must be an integer value. A value <= 0 disables this rule. This rule is evaluated only on arrival of a new Trap. | | Maximum size (in bytes) of a batch. Default value is 512KB. This must be an integer value. A value <= 0 disables this rule. This rule is evaluated only on arrival of a new Trap. | maxTimeIntervalBetweenBatches | Maximum time interval (in milliseconds) between two subsequent batch storages. This must be an integer value. A value <= 0 disables this rule. Unlike the other two rules, this rule is evaluated periodically. Hence this rule prevents any trap stuck in the batch for ever if inflow of traps stops (acts as a batch-timeout). A very low value for this rule reduces batch efficiency and introduces unnecessary looping. | | (Only applies when the eventsQueueImpl property is set to FileSystem.) The directory that must be used as FileSystem Queue. Incoming traps are stored in this directory temporarily and hence should have write permission. The path can be absolute or relative. It is advisable to provide the absolute path. Relative paths are considered relative to one of the following, based on availability in the same order: 1. SOALinkSNMPEventsListener/WEB-INF directory for exploded deployments. 2. javax.servlet.context.tempdir for zipped deployments. 3. if none of the above are available. |