Administering Mediator : The Built-In Run-Time Actions : The Built-In Run-Time Actions for Virtualized APIs : Request Handling Actions
Request Handling Actions
Mediator provides the following actions for handling requests:
*Protocol > Require JMS: Specifies the JMS protocol to be used for the API to accept and process the requests.
*Protocol > Require HTTP/HTTPS: Specifies the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), SOAP format (for a SOAP-based API), and the HTTP methods (for a REST-based API) for the virtual API to accept requests.
*Request Transformation: Invokes an XSLT transformation file in the request before it is submitted to the native API.
*Invoke webMethods Integration Server Service: Invokes a webMethods IS service to pre-process the request before it is submitted to the native API.
Mediator does not support JSON to XML or XML to JSON transformation as part of Request processing. However, you can perform JSON to XML or XML to JSON transformation using the Invoke webMethods Integration Server Service as part of Request processing. You must create these services using Software AG Designer and configure the full name of the service in the Invoke webMethods Integration Server policy.
*Enable REST Support: Enables REST support for an existing SOAP based APIs by exposing the API as a REST based APIs. If you include this policy action in a SOAP API request configuration, the SOAP API is exposed both as a SOAP based API and a REST based API. Clients who can only send REST requests can invoke a REST enabled SOAP API using a REST request.
This policy action is set by default in the request step for all SOAP APIs. To disable the REST support for a SOAP API, delete the Enable REST Support action in the Request Handling step for the API.
*Set Media Type: Specifies the content type for a REST request. This action is applicable only if Enable REST Support is set. If the content type header is missing in a client request sent to an API, Mediator adds the content type specified here before sending the request to the native service. Examples for content types: application/json, application/xml
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