Administering Mediator : Mediator Configurations : OAuth2 Inbound Configuration
OAuth2 Inbound Configuration
The watt.server.auth.skipForMediator Parameter
The pg.oauth2 Parameters
The Service for Obtaining OAuth2 Access Tokens
You can configure your virtual services or virtual APIs to use the OAuth2 authentication scheme, as described in the CentraSite User’s Guide.
The type of OAuth2 authorization grant that Mediator supports is Client Credentials.
Client credentials are used as an authorization grant when the client is requesting access to protected resources based on an authorization previously arranged with the authorization server. That is, the client application gains authorization when it is registered with CentraSite.
You (the virtual service or API provider) must set the following parameters in Mediator to support OAuth2:
*Set watt.server.auth.skipForMediator to true (see The watt.server.auth.skipForMediator Parameter).
*Set the pg.oauth2. parameters as appropriate (see The pg.oauth2 Parameters).
Mediator hosts a predefined service that consumers must invoke in order to receive OAuth2 access tokens (see The Service for Obtaining OAuth2 Access Tokens).
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