Destinations for the Monitoring and Transaction Events
For the Monitoring and Transaction event types, there are additional event notification destinations to select from (in addition to the EDA and SNMP destinations).
Monitoring events are generated by the following run-time actions that you can configure for your virtual services in CentraSite:
Monitor Service Performance.
Monitor Service Level Agreement.
Throttling Traffic Optimization.
Transaction events are generated by the run-time action Log Invocations.
The available destinations for Monitoring and Transaction events are:
API Portal destination.
An EDA destination.
An Elasticsearch destination.
CentraSite SNMP server or a third-party SNMP server.
The virtual service's Events profile in
An SMTP email server.
Integration Server's local log.
Integration Server's audit log (for Transaction events only).
You select these destinations when you configure your virtual services in CentraSite.
These additional destinations for the monitoring and transaction events are:
The SMTP Email Server Destination
To specify an SMTP email server destination, you must:
Select the
Email option as a destination when you configure the run-time actions.
The Integration Server Local Log Destination
To specify the Integration Server's local log as a destination, you must:
Select the
Local Log option as a destination when you configure the built-in actions. When configuring the actions, you must also specify the severity of the messages to be logged (the logging level).
Set the
Integration Server Administrator's logging level for
Mediator to match the logging levels specified for the run-time actions (go to
Settings > Logging > Server Logger). For example, if a Log Invocation action is set to the logging level of Error, you must also set
Integration Server Administrator's logging level for
Mediator to Error. If the action's logging level is set to a low level (Warning-level or Information-level), but
Integration Server Administrator's logging level for
Mediator is set to a higher level (Error-level), then only the higher-level messages are written to the log file.
Entries posted to the local log are identified by a product code of MED.
The Integration Server Audit Log Destination
The Integration Server Audit Log destination is available only for the Log Invocation action. If you expect a high volume of invocations in your system, it is recommended that you select the Audit Log destination. For more information, see the webMethods Audit Logging Guide.