Developer Guide : Enterprise APIs : Enterprise Developer's Guide for Java : Code Examples : Pub/Sub Channels : Java Client: Synchronous Named Channel Consumer
Java Client: Synchronous Named Channel Consumer
This example shows how to synchronously consume events from a Universal Messaging Channel using a named object and a channel iterator.

nnamediterator <channel name> [name] [start eid] [debug] [count]
[cluster wide] [persistent] [selector]

<Required Arguments>

<channel name> - Channel name parameter for the channel to subscribe to

[Optional Arguments]

[name] - Specifies the unique name to be used for a named subscription
(default: OS username)
[start eid] - The Event ID to start subscribing from if name subscriber
is to be created (doesn't already exist)
[debug] - The level of output from each event, 0 - none, 1 - summary,
2 - EIDs, 3 - All
[count] - The number of events to wait for before printing out summary
information (default: 1000)
[cluster wide] - Specifies whether the named object is to be used across a
cluster (default: false)
[persistent] - Specifies whether the named object state is to be stored to
disk or held in server memory (default: false)
[selector] - The event filter string to use

Note: -? provides help on environment variables
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