Monitoring Services : Working with My webMethods : Viewing and Updating Your My webMethods Profile : Identifying Yourself to My webMethods
Identifying Yourself to My webMethods
Your identification information is listed on the User Information and User Profile tabs of your profile.
*User Information tab. Your name and e-mail address are on the User Information tab.
You can only update the fields on the User Information tab if your user account is defined in My webMethods, that is, the “System” directory service. If your user account is defined in an external directory management system, for example LDAP, My webMethods obtains values from the external directory management system for these fields.
*User Profile tab. Several fields that provide optional information that you can supply about your identity.
To identify yourself to My webMethods
1. Click the My Profile link, which is located at the top of all My webMethods pages.
2. Click the User Information tab.
a. Use the First Name and Last Name fields to specify your name.
b. Optionally, type your e-mail address in the E-mail Address field.
My webMethods will not be able to send you notifications if you do not specify an e-mail address. For example, if you subscribe to a forum, My webMethods cannot send you notifications of updates if you do not specify an e-mail address.
3. Click the User Profile tab.
4. Specify the following optional information:
In this field...
Middle Name
Your middle name.
Your title, for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. If the title you want to use does not appear in the list, select Other. My webMethods prompts you for the title you want to use.
Name Suffix
The suffix that should appear after your name, if any, for example, Jr., Sr., PhD, III. If the suffix you want to use does not appear in the list, select Other. My webMethods prompts you for the suffix you want to use.
Preferred Language/Locale
Your language and locale. The Default selection indicates you want to use the language installed on My webMethods Server.
Country/Region ID
The country where you are located.
Address 1
Address 2
Your street address.
The city where you are located.
The state or province where you are located.
Postal Code
Your postal code, for example, a ZIP Code if you are located in the United States.
Country/Region ID
The country where you are located.
Phone 1 Area Code
Your area code.
Phone 1 Number
Your phone number.
Phone 1 Extension
Your extension, if any.
Phone 1 Country Code
The country code associated with your phone number.
Default Date Format
The date format you want My webMethods to use when displaying dates. For more information about date formats, see the SimpleDateFormat class in the Oracle Java API documentation.
Default Time Format
The time format you want My webMethods to use when displaying times. For more information about date formats, see the SimpleDateFormat class in the Oracle Java API documentation.
Default Time Zone
The time zone that My webMethods uses when displaying times.
Changing the time zone in the Default Time Zone field may result in the loss of transactional context, such as search results, sorting, and details, when you return to the page you were previously using. For more information about how to change the time zone without any impact on transactional context, see Changing the Time Zone in My webMethods .
Default Number Format
The format that My webMethods uses when displaying numbers. For more information about number formats, see the DecimalDateFormat class in the Oracle Java API documentation.
Default Currency Format
The format that My webMethods uses when displaying currency. For more information about currency formats, see the DecimalDateFormat class in the Oracle Java API documentation.
Not all portlets make use of the defaults that you specify in Default Date Format, Default Time Format, Default Time Zone, Default Number Format, and Default Currency Format.
5. Click Save.
6. If you are done updating your profile, close the My Profile tab. For instructions, see Closing Tabs.
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