Monitoring Services : Understanding Software AG Products : Quick Start : Analytics & Decisions Quick Start
Analytics & Decisions Quick Start
Lets you...
MashZone NextGen Business Analytics
Visualize data from Software AG data sources (for example, databases, XML files, Apama events, process instances) or from web feeds or web services.
MashZone NextGen Visual Analytics
Interactively visualize, explore, analyze, and blend historical and streaming data from multiple sources, and to discover and analyze data sets.
ARIS Process Performance Manager (PPM)
Draw business process data from data sources (for example, databases, trading partner data stores, third-party applications like SAP or Salesforce).
Optimize for Process
Monitor business processes, activities, events, and other business-related data in real time. View and evaluate business data, define rules that trigger alerts when problems arise.
Optimize for Infrastructure
Monitor system resources using KPIs. Define KPI evaluation rules, actions to take in problem situations, and predictions to make about potential problems. Find rules that were violated, resources that are out of or will go out of compliance. Analyze historical KPI performance to find positive or negative trends.
Zementis Predictive Analytics
Execute predictive models built by machine learning and data mining tools to make real-time predictions.
Cache product data.
Event processing platform that monitors rapidly moving event streams, detects and analyzes important events and patterns of events, and immediately acts on events of interest according to specifications.
Digital Event Services
Foundation for the event-driven architecture (EDA) that enables Software AG products to communicate using events.
Universal Messaging
Deliver events from producers to consumers.
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