Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor Built-in Services Reference : pub.monitor.process.instanceSteps Folder : pub.monitor.process.instanceSteps:getStepDetails
Retrieves details for a specific step, with a specified status that was executed in the specified process iteration and step iteration.
Input Parameters
String The full step ID of the step whose details you want to retrieve. You can retrieve step IDs using the pub.monitor.process.instance:getInstanceSteps service.
String Instance ID for the process instance. Specify the complete, exact ID.
Whether Monitor treats instanceID as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues.
String Status of the step for which to retrieve information. Specify the numerical value that represents the status. For a list of valid values, see Status Reference.
Number Iteration of the process instance that contains the step.
Number Iteration of the step for which to retrieve information.
Output Parameters
Document The details for the step. stepData returns the following:
*stepLabel String Name of the step.
*timestamp String Timestamp for the retrieved status, in string format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS zzz, where:
*YYYY-MM-DD is the date
*hh:mm:ss:SSS is the time, including milliseconds
*zzz is the time zone
*description String Description of the step.
*user String For task steps, the user assigned to perform the task.
*roleName String For task steps, the roles assigned to perform the task.
*rootContextID String The root context ID is an internal identifier that Integration Server uses.
*parentContextID String The parent context ID is an internal identifier that Integration Server uses.
*contextID String Context ID to retrieve errors associated with the step.
*instanceID String Instance ID for the process instance.
*instanceIteration Number Iteration of the process instance that contained the step.
*instanceStatus String Status of the process instance that contains the step. The service returns a numerical value that represents the status. For a description of the status values, see Status Reference.
*modelID String Model ID for the model that contains the step and that the process instance uses.
*modelName String Name of the model that contains the step and that the process instance uses.
*stepID String Step ID of the step.
*stepIteration Number Step iteration of the step.
*status String Status of the step. The service returns the numerical value that represents the status. For a description of the status values, see Status Reference.
*statusDecode String Status value of the step. The service returns the localized keyword value that represents the status. For the list of status values, for example, “Started” or “Completed” (in English), see Status Reference.
*serverID String Host name and port of the Integration Server on which the step ran.
*pipeNull String Whether the step's input pipeline was logged.
*true   Input pipeline was not logged.
*false Input pipeline was logged and is available for viewing or resubmission.
*globalDataNull String Whether the step's input global data was logged.
*true   Input global data was not logged.
*false Input global data was logged and is available for viewing or resubmission.
*icon String URL for the step's status icon in the file system.
*stepPipeline Document Input pipeline for the step, if logged.
*globalData Document Global data for the step, if logged.
String Error that occurred during the execution of this service if this service encountered an error.
String Indicates if the user who invoked the pub.monitor.process.instanceSteps:getStepDetails service belongs to a My webMethods role that has the functional privilege to resubmit the process instance:
*true   User has the functional privilege to resubmit the process.
*false User does not have the functional privilege.
String Whether the user who invoked the pub.monitor.process.instanceSteps:getStepDetails service belongs to a My webMethods role that has the functional privilege to modify the pipeline for a process step.
*true    User has the privilege to modify the step.
*false  User does not have the privilege to modify the step.
Usage Notes
The stepPipeline and globalData parameters are encoded as IData. You can modify and resubmit them (if you have the proper functional privileges) with the pub.monitor.process.instanceControl:resubmitInstanceStep service.
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