Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor Built-in Services Reference : pub.monitor.process.instance Folder : pub.monitor.process.instance:generateInstanceImage
Generates the run-time image for a specified process instance in JPG or SVG format. Run-time images show the process model image with icons that indicate each step's status.
This service returns the location of the generated image. To view the JPG image, open the image from the specified location. To view the SVG image, open an Internet browser and type the Integration Server host and port along with the location returned by the service as the URL. For example, if Integration Server is running on localhost:5555 and the service returned the location /WmMonitor/images/processes/process_image1352194153648935.svg, type the URL http://localhost:5555/WmMonitor/images/processes/process_image1352194153648935.svg.
Input Parameters
String Instance ID of the process instance for which to generate the image. Specify the complete, exact ID.
Whether Monitor treats instanceID as case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
String Optional. Node ID of a step within the process that represents an inline process (or subprocess) within the process; that is, a set of steps that have been collapsed into a single step. When you specify nodeID, the service generates the image for the subprocess only, not for the entire process. You can retrieve the node IDs for the subprocess within a process by executing the service and using the value returned in the modelSteps/INLINESTEPID field.
String Requested image type, either JPG or SVG.
Output Parameters
Document The generated image. The returned imageData document contains the following fields:
*imageURL String URL to the generated image file on the file system.
*width String Width of the image.
*height String Height of the image.
*type String Image type.
*1 Image is in JPG format.
*2 Image is in SVG format.
*imageMap Document List A list of the steps within the process instance. The following fields are returned for each step:
*key String If the step represents a referenced process, key is the model ID of the model for the referenced process.
*stepid String The step ID of the step.
*x String The X coordinate of the top, left corner for where the icon for this step is placed within the image for the process instance.
*y String The Y coordinate of the top, left corner for where the icon for this step is placed with in the image for the process instance.
*x2 String The X coordinate of the bottom, right corner for where the icon for this step is placed with in the image for the process instance.
*y2 String The Y coordinate of the bottom, right corner for where the icon for this step is placed with in the image for the process instance.
String Errors that occurred during generation of the image.
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