Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor User’s Guide : Using Mobile Monitor : Configuring Mobile Monitor
Configuring Mobile Monitor
Log on Mobile Monitor with the same user name and password that you use to access the Monitor user interface. Your user name must already be defined in Integration Server as a member of the ACL group MonitorAdministrators, MonitorUsers, or Administrators.
The first time you log on, Mobile Monitor authenticates you. You can save your password so that you do not need to retype it every time you open the application.
You must add a server in the app to retrieve business process and process instance statuses. Obtain the Integration Server IP address (or host name) and port information from your administrator.
You can configure notification options in Mobile Monitor, including the following:
*Configure notification polling. Configure how often the app polls for notifications or disable notification polling.
*Configure notification options. Select the information that displays about a process instance in the Notifications screen, including instance ID, custom ID, version, and date the model was last updated.
*Configure process instance fields. Select the information that displays about a process instance on the Process Instances screen. You can select up to three fields from the following: instance ID, custom ID, version, date the model was last updated, instance start time, instance iteration, and duration. The Process Instance Details screen displays all of this information about the process instance.
*Configure logging. Enable or disable logging for business processes. Use the on/off slider to set Enable Logging.
To configure Mobile Monitor
1. Enter your user name and password in Mobile Monitor.
2. Tap the Servers icon at the bottom of the Business Processes screen to configure the server connection.
a. Tap the Add Server icon to add a server.
Mobile Monitor only shows processes and processes instances from the active server. To monitor processes on a different server, you can change which server is the active server.
b. Type the name of the server in the Server Name field.
c. In the IS Host and IS Port fields, type the IP address and port (provided by your administrator).
d. Complete the Username and Password fields.
e. In Active, set the slider to On to pull data from this server.
Tap Ping to verify that the server details are correct and that the server is running.
f. Tap Save to save the server details.
3. Tap the Gear icon to configure global application settings.
a. Tap Application Settings.
b. In Notification Polling, set how often the app polls for notifications.
This setting only controls notifications. It does not control how often Mobile Monitor fetches business process statuses. To refresh the data, pull down on the Business Processes screen.
c. In Notification Options, select the information to display about a business process on the Notifications screen.
d. In Process Instance Field Options, select up to three fields to display about a process instance in the Process Instances screen.
e. In Enable Logging, set the field on or off to enable or disable logging.
f. Click Save.
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