Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor User’s Guide : Document Monitoring : Finding Logged Documents Using an Advanced Search
Finding Logged Documents Using an Advanced Search
Use an advanced search to specify detailed criteria to search for specific logged documents.
Whether the search is case-sensitive or case-insensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
To find logged documents using an advanced search
1. In My webMethods: Navigate > Applications > Monitoring > Integration > Documents.
2. Click the Advanced search tab.
3. If Monitor is configured to use multiple Integration Servers, use the Server selection box (above the Search panel) to specify which server you want to search. The Server selection box defaults to the last server specified by the current user. If the current user has not selected a server, the default server set by the My webMethods Server administrator on the System Settings page is used.
4. Specify the search criteria using the fields below. To not restrict the search by a certain field, leave the field blank.
Document Name
Fully qualified or partial name of documents to find (such as wm::is::OrderProcess::Implementation::CanonicalOrder or OrderProcess).
The top, unlabeled text box on the Advanced search tab and the Document Name field are both for specifying the full or partial name of the documents you want to find. Use only one of these two fields.
Document ID
Full or partial ID of documents to find, or blank to not restrict the search by document ID. The webMethods Broker or Integration Server that publishes the document generates the ID when it publishes the document.
Client ID
Full or partial client ID associated with documents to find. Use partial client ID to search for documents associated with multiple clients. The value you specify for Client ID depends on the types of documents you are searching for (see Type field, below).
*The format for webMethods Broker IDs is Broker@host:port (for example, CustOps@qatest07:6849, or partial ID CustOps.
*The format for IDs of webMethods Broker clients is clientprefix_folder1.folder2.foldern_trigger (for example, smitha_documenthistory.history. triggers_MsgHistoryWithNoResServiceTrigger, or partial ID smitha).
A webMethods messaging trigger that subscribes to document types routed through webMethods Broker has a corresponding client on the webMethods Broker.
*An In Doubt document received from Universal Messaging does not have a client ID. In the search results, My webMethods displays “NA” for the client ID.
Type of documents to find (such as Broker, In Doubt, or Retries Exceeded). To select multiple types, hold down the CTRL key while selecting each type.
To search for this type of document...
IDs of the webMethods Brokers that logged the documents.
In Doubt
When searching for documents routed through webMethods Broker, specify the webMethods Broker client IDs for the triggers that processed the documents originally.
A document routed through Universal Messaging does not have a client ID.
Failed and Retries Exceeded when failure/retries exceeded occurred during delivery
IDs of the original destination webMethods Broker clients. For webMethods messaging triggers the client ID is the client prefix for the webMethods Broker connection alias plus the trigger name.
Failed documents when failure occurred during retrieval
IDs of the webMethods Broker clients associated with the triggers for which Integration Server originally tried to retrieve the documents.
For Failed and Retries Exceeded documents when failure occurred during publication, there is no client ID on which to search.
Search for documents based on the most recent date and time data was logged for the documents. You can choose a predefined time period from the Range list, or you can use the calendar picker to specify a Start Date and End Date and then select the numbers for the hours and minutes from the lists.
If you want to add the search results to a My webMethods workspace, using a predefined time period causes the search results on the workspace to be dynamic, showing data relative to the current date (for example, yesterday). Using exact start and end dates causes the search results to always contain data for the specific dates you use, regardless of the current date.
5. In the Search Condition list, select AND to find documents that match all search criteria. Select OR to find documents that match any search criteria.
6. Click Search.
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