Monitoring Services : webMethods Monitor Built-in Services Reference : pub.monitor.document Folder : pub.monitor.document:getList
Retrieves a list of documents that meet criteria that you specify.
Whether the search is case-sensitive depends on how the underlying database (for example, Oracle, DB2, or SQL server) handles the queries that Monitor issues to obtain data.
Input Parameters
String Optional. A complete or partial document ID of the documents you want in the list.
String Optional. The document type to list. Use type if you want the list to contain all documents of one document type. You can specify either a keyword (for example, Broker) or a numerical value that represents the type (for example, 0). Use the value that corresponds to the type of document you want to retrieve.
*Broker or 0 webMethods Broker-logged documents
*In Doubt or 32770 In doubt documents
*Retries Exceeded or 512 Retries exceeded documents
*Failed or 4 Failed documents
String List Optional. A set of document types to retrieve. Use typeSet when you want the list to contain documents of more than one type. For each document type, you can specify either a keyword (for example, Broker) or a numerical value that represents the type (for example, 0). Valid values are:
*Broker or 0 webMethods Broker-logged documents
*In Doubt or 32770 In doubt documents
*Retries Exceeded or 512 Retries exceeded documents
*Failed or 4 Failed documents
String Optional. A complete or partial document name on which to match. This works with the documentNameExact parameter.
String Optional. Whether the service should perform an exact match on the document name you specify in documentName.
*true Get documents whose document name exactly matches the documentName parameter.
*false Default. Get documents whose document name contains a substring that matches the documentName parameter.
String Optional. A complete or partial client ID to match. This parameter works with the clientIDExact parameter. Supply the client ID that matches the document type you want to retrieve:
*For webMethods Broker-logged documents, the IDs of the webMethods Brokers that logged the documents.
*For in doubt documents, the IDs of the webMethods Broker clients associated with the triggers that processed the documents originally.
*For documents that failed and exceeded retries during delivery, the IDs of the original destination webMethods Broker clients.
*For documents that failed documents during retrieval, the IDs of the webMethods Broker clients associated with the triggers for which Integration Server tried to retrieve the documents originally.
For documents that failed and exceeded retries during publication, there is no client ID on which to search.
The format for webMethods Broker IDs is Broker@host:port (for example, CustOps@qatest07:6849). The format for IDs of webMethods Broker clients is clientprefix_folder1.folder2.foldern_trigger (for example, joesmith_documents.history.triggers_MsgHistoryTrigger).
String Optional. Whether the service should perform an exact match on the client ID you specify in clientID. Valid values are:
*true Get documents where the document name exactly matches the clientID parameter.
*false Default. Get documents with a document name contains a substring that matches the clientID parameter.
String Optional. A date range for the documents you want in the list. The date range identifies the date when the documents were logged. If you use this parameter, do not use the fromDate or toDate parameter. A week is Sunday through Saturday.
*Today Current date.
*Yesterday Yesterday.
*In the last 7 days Within the last 7 days, including today.
*Last week Any day in the previous calendar last week.
*This week Any day in current calendar week.
*Last month Any day in the previous calendar month.
*This month Any day in the current calendar month.
*Year to date Any day in the current calendar year.
String Optional. The start date of when the documents were logged. The service will get all documents logged on or after this date. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If you use this parameter, use toDate to specify an end date; do not use the range parameter when you use the fromDate and toDate parameters.
String Optional. The end date of when the documents were logged. The service will get all documents logged on or before this date. Use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
String Optional. Maximum number of documents to find, starting with those most recently logged. By default, the service gets all documents.
String Optional. How to sort the returned list of documents. This parameter works with the sortAscending parameter.
*DOCUMENTID Document IDs of the returned documents.
*DOCUMENTNAME Document names of the returned documents.
*STATUS Document types of the returned documents, sorted based on the numerical order as follows:
*0 Broker
*4 Failed
*512 Retries Exceeded
*32770 In Doubt
*SERVERID Server ID associated with the returned documents.
*ENQUEUETIMESTAMP Time that webMethods Broker first enqueued the returned documents. This is only available for documents logged by webMethods Broker.
*AUDITTIMESTAMP Default. Time the returned documents were logged.
String Optional. Whether to sort the returned list of documents in ascending or descending order. The documents are sorted by the field identified by the sortColumn parameter.
*true Default. Sort in ascending order.
*false Sort in descending order.
String Optional. Whether the service is to use an AND or an OR condition for the criteria specified in the input parameters.
*true Default. Use an AND condition. The service returns documents that match all of the criteria.
*false Use an OR condition. The service returns documents that match any of the criteria.
Output Parameters
Document List List of documents that match the specified criteria. For each document, the following fields are returned:
*DOCUMENTID String Document ID of a returned document.
*DOCUMENTNAME String Document name of a returned document.
*STATUS Number Document type of a returned document. The service returns the numerical value that represents the document type:
*0 webMethods Broker-logged documents.
*4 Failed documents.
*32770 In doubt documents.
*512 Retries exceeded documents.
*STATUSDECODE String The localized keyword value for the document type. The keyword (in English) is one of: webMethods Broker, Retries Exceeded, In Doubt, or Failed.
*ENQUEUETIMESTAMP String If the document was logged by a Broker, the time the Broker first enqueued the document. The timestamp is in string format, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS zzz, where:
*YYYY-MM-DD is the date
*hh:mm:ss:SSS is the time, including milliseconds
*zzz is the time zone
*SERVERID String The server ID associated with the documents:
*For Broker-logged documents, ID of the publishing Broker.
*For in doubt documents, documents that failed during delivery or retrieval, and documents where the retries were exceeded, ID of the intended recipient.
*For documents that failed and exceeded retries during publishing, no client ID is listed.
*AUDITTIMESTAMP Number Time the document was logged, in epoch time; that is, the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.
*AUDITTIMESTRING String Time this document was logged in string format, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.SSS zzz, where:
*YYYY-MM-DD is the date
*hh:mm:ss:SSS is the time, including milliseconds
*zzz is the time zone
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