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Unit Test Framework
Software AG Designer provides a range of tools to assist during the testing and debugging phases. Unit Test Framework is a service unit testing and regression testing tool that enables service developers to quickly assemble unit tests to improve overall development quality without custom development. Unit Test Framework facilitates automated unit and regression testing of services, and provides a mechanism for creating automated tools for continuous integration and delivery. Unit Test Framework can integrate with JUnit, leveraging a standard unit testing framework that already works well with continuous integration tools. In addition, Unit Test Framework provides a Java API for advanced users to create JUnit test cases.
The Unit Test Framework perspective in Software AG Designer enables you to do the following:
You can design, build, and execute unit test cases in the Software AG Designer Eclipse user interface. You can also execute test cases externally using Ant scripts. You can test flow services with input values you specify manually, inspect the results, and investigate errors.
You can have a test case execute a mocked service using input values you specify, invoke an intermediary service instead of the mocked service, replace the output of the mocked service with a specified exception, or use a custom Java class to implement the mocked service
You can save test cases, along with their inputs and outputs, in XML files, and then rerun these reusable artifacts to make sure your latest changes do not re-introduce errors that were fixed in earlier versions.
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