Monitoring Services : Understanding Software AG Products : API Management : Monitoring and Managing Your API Management System : Insight
Insight is a monitoring and management tool for API management that lets you:
*Understand the interdependencies of complex networks that change frequently.
*Identify and isolate the root cause of problems quickly, preventing them from spreading and rippling through the network.
*Predict and prepare for the impact of planned changes, enabling publishing without interruption.
*Create and apply policy to monitor performance and enforce SLAs without requiring custom programming.
*Detect rogue, ungoverned APIs when they are consumed and register them automatically in CentraSite to put them under governance control.
An Insight Agent runs continuously on application servers on your network that host web services, such as Integration Servers. The agent collects data about service traffic from the application servers. The agent detects incoming and outgoing web service calls, records them, and reports them to Insight Server. The agent also collects run-time statistics, evaluates them, and stores them for reporting and dashboarding purposes. You can also have the agent publish the run-time statistics to CentraSite. Insight Agents do not affect the runtime flow; clients and servers are unaware that they exist.
Insight Server is a central engine that receives data from the Insight Agents, correlates the data, and analyzes it to determine the information below.
*The logical thread. Because the agents examine each call, Insight Server identifies logical threads accurately and unambiguously. Across application platforms, Insight tracks service calls and correlates them into a complete transaction view.
*The root cause of service failures. A failure at one node usually depends on the upstream path of service calls.
*The amount of time a message spends, the amount of data transmitted, and what errors, if any, are returned from each node. This information is used to detect throughput bottlenecks.
Insight Server makes this information available to the network administrator.
Copyright © 2017 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany. (Innovation Release)

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