Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : Implementing webMethods OneData : Using Workflow in OneData : Admin Approval of Workflows
Admin Approval of Workflows
An admin can approve any of the pending workflow transaction from Manage > Admin Approvals. The administrator can filter on the following parameters to view only the required pending approvals.
Intended Approver
Click the Select Values icon for a list of users. You can clear the values selected by clicking on the Clear Values icon.
To select a single user, click the user name. To select multiple users, select the check boxes corresponding to the usernames. Click Set values.
To search for a user, enter the username in the Search field and click on the Search icon.
Change Type
Select the type of change that triggers the transaction.
Create Date (From/To)
Specify the date range during which the workflow was triggered.
Change Request Number Range (From/To)
Specify the number range of the change requests that are pending in the workflow pipeline.
Select the object for which the approval is pending.
Level in Workflow Approval
Specify the level in which the items are pending for that user.
Once the filter is applied, the result screen shows the summary details as same as in My Workflow Inbox summary screen with an additional information Intended Approver.
Level 0 for the pending item with the creator for creator- initiated workflow. For more details on creator initiated workflow, see Workflow Triggering Modes.
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