Master Data Management with webMethods OneData : webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide : Multiple Gold Mapping : Notifications
Data Quality Notification Email
You can choose to notify selected user groups regarding items pending for manual matching or manual merging when one the following conditions is met:
*Action is set as Queue for manual matching in the Matching Threshold Configuration.
*The Survivorship Type, in the survivorship configuration, is Manual. The following options are available as part of Notification configuration.
Data Quality Steward Group
Select the user group to which notifications need to be sent for manual match / merge pending
Notification Option
Applicable when required user group is selected as the Data Quality Steward Group.
*Do Not Notify. Does not send notifications to the selected user group.
*Notify in case of pending items. Sends email to users in Data Quality Steward Group when there are pending items either for manual matching or manual merging. For details on the email content, see Merging Consolidation Object Columns to Linked Gold Records.
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