Repository | String If not provided, defaults to the first repository in the list of available repositories. Case sensitive. |
User Id | String Required if service layer security is enabled. Login ID in the application of the user calling this function. |
Password | String Required if service layer security is enabled. |
Client Id | String Required. Client ID of the repository. |
Project Id | String Required. ID of the project. |
Schema Id | String Required. Indicates the schema. If workflow is licensed, then Schema Id is 2. 1. Work area 2. Release area |
Data Element Item ID | String Required. Data element internal item ID. |
Data Element Version Nr | String Required. Data element version number for the item. |
Exclude Audit Columns | String Required. Indicates whether to include audit columns in the output. Does not apply to getAdministeredItemListRowSetByName True. Excludes audit columns in the output. False. Includes audit columns in the output. |