Application Platform User Guide : Developing with Application Platform in Designer : About Using Services in Application Platform : Service Browser View : Filtering Services Displayed in the Service Browser View
Filtering Services Displayed in the Service Browser View
You can filter the services displayed in the Service Browser view by using the available custom filters.
To filter the services displayed in the Service Browser view
1. In Designer, go to the Service Browser view.
2. Click .
3. Click Customize View.
4. In the Filters tab set the following check boxes to define the customizing filters to be used.
Set this check box...
To filter...
Apache namespace services
Services that start with org.apache.
App Platform Secure Services
Services that are registered by POJO classes annotated with both @Secure and @Service.
App Platform Services
Services that are registered by POJO classes annotated with @Service.
App Platform Services published to Integration Server
Services that are exposed to Integration Server with the @ExposeToIS annotation.
Eclipse Services
OSGi services that start with org.eclipse.
Java namespace services
OSGi services that start with java or javax.
OSGi Services
OSGi services that start with org.osgi.
Platform Services (registered by Software AG bundles)
OSGi services that are registered by internal Software AG product bundles. The parent bundles of these services have symbolic names that start with com.softwareag.
Software AG Platform Services
OSGi services that start with com.softwareag.
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