Service Development Help : Using the VCS Integration Feature to Check Elements In and Out of a VCS : Getting an Earlier Version from the VCS
Getting an Earlier Version from the VCS
The VCS Integration feature provides the Get Earlier Version command to replace packages, folders, and elements on the Integration Server with an earlier version in the VCS repository.
Keep the following points in mind when retrieving an earlier version of a package, folder, or element:
*To retrieve an earlier version, you must know the date or VCS label of the earlier version. You can obtain this information with the View History command. (For more information, see Viewing the History of a Folder or Element.)
The VCS Integration feature does not provide the ability to assign VCS labels; you must use your VCS client to assign a label if one does not exist. To eliminate any problems, Software AG recommends that you apply the version label at the package level, thereby including all folders and elements within the package hierarchy.
*You cannot apply the Get Earlier Version command to checked out packages, folders, or elements.
*You cannot apply the command to a package or a folder if any of the supported elements within the container’s hierarchy are checked out.
*Most VCS servers will not permit you to copy, move, delete, or rename earlier versions of elements. Software AG recommends that you do not apply any of these actions to an earlier version file, as unpredictable results might occur.
*Although packages and folders are never shown as checked out in the Package Navigator view, you can apply the Get Earlier Version command to a package or folder to get an earlier version of all of the elements within the package or folder.
*For ClearCase, the Get Earlier Version command loads the version of the branch indicated by the ClearCase Branch Name field in Integration Server Administrator (see Configuring the VCS Integration Feature). If no branch is identified in that field, ClearCase loads the main ClearCase branch. Do not use the Get Earlier Version command for Dynamic Views because Dynamic Views always contain the latest version.
*Some folders or elements might be deleted after you apply the Get Earlier Version command. This will occur when there is no earlier version of that folder or element (that is, it has been added to the VCS repository since the creation of the version being retrieved).
*When you apply the Get Earlier Version command to a Java service, the earlier version will be loaded for all Java services in that folder, as well as for all folders and elements contained in the folder.
*The Get Earlier Version command also reloads the entire package containing the element. This might cause sessions currently using services in the package to fail.
To get an earlier version of a package, folder, or element
1. In Package Navigator view, right-click the package, folder, or element for which you want to retrieve the latest version, and select VCS > Get Earlier Version.
2. In the Get Earlier Version dialog box, do one of the following:
Retrieve an earlier version using the date (Visual SourceSafe).
In the field next to Date, enter the VCS repository date and time of the version you want to retrieve.
You must type the date and time using the Designer format MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS, where HH:MM:SS is in 24-hour time format. For example, in the History dialog box, the VCS time is presented in the format:
User: UserName Date: 1/13/06 Time: 2:56p
This signifies January 13, 2006, 14:56 hours. You must type the date into the Date field in this format:
01/13/06 14:56
Do not include the time zone (for example, EST) when typing the date and time. The precision of the specified time (that is, whether minutes and seconds are accepted, or minutes only) is determined by the time format of the VCS application. For example, Visual SourceSafe dates files with minutes only.
Get an earlier version by providing the VCS label (Visual SourceSafe and ClearCase) or to get an earlier version by providing a version number (ClearCase).
In the field next to Label, enter the VCS label text or version number.
3. Click OK. All supported and checked in elements are updated to the specified version in the VCS repository.
*If a folder contains locked elements that are not Java services and you apply the Get Earlier Version command to an unlocked Java service in that folder, the error message “Subindex() checked out” displays. Check in all elements in the folder and try again.
*If you edit an element that you retrieved using the Get Earlier Version command, the VCS Integration feature will not view it as the most current version and therefore will not allow you to check it in. When you attempt to check in the element, an “out of date” error message displays. Update the element to the latest version before applying your changes.
Copyright © 2017 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany. (Innovation Release)

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