Service Development Help : Properties : REST API Descriptor Properties : REST Resource Properties
REST Resource Properties
When you select a REST resource on the REST Resources tab, the Properties view displays path and suffix information for the REST resource.
The path for the REST resource. By default, each REST resource in a REST API descriptor derives its path from the namespace of the REST resource. For example, if the REST resource is named myREST.myRESTResource, the path is “/myREST.myRESTResource”.
However, you might not want to expose the namespace of the REST resource in the Swagger document. You can override the default path with one of your choosing. For example, you could use /customers/premium or /myPath.
Change the path of the REST resource to be the path of your choosing. If you do not include “/” as the first character in the Path property, Integration Server adds it in the Swagger document.
Make sure that Integration Server can resolve the path that you specify. The path must be invokable by Integration Server.
The suffix for the REST resource. By default, there is no suffix for a REST resource in a REST API descriptor. However, if you want users who invoke the REST resource to include query parameters, you can specify that information in the suffix. Integration Server appends the suffix to the Path property value.
For example, if you want the exposed path in the Swagger document to be /customers /{id}, specify /customers as the Path property value and /{id} as the Suffix property value.
Make sure that Integration Server can resolve the resource path when it includes the suffix that you specify. The path must be invokable by Integration Server.
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