Service Development Help : Managing Packages : About Package Dependencies : Removing Package Dependencies
Removing Package Dependencies
Use the following procedure to remove a package dependency that is no longer needed. For example, if you delete the service in “Finance” that invokes the service in “FinanceUtil,” then you would no longer need a package dependency on the “FinanceUtil” package. Another case where you would remove the package dependency is if you move the services in the “FinanceUtil” package into the “Finance” package.
To remove a package dependency
1. In Package Navigator view, select the package for which you want to remove a package dependency.
2. Click File > Properties.
3. In Properties for PackageName dialog box, select Package Dependencies.
4. Select the package dependency you want to remove and click .
5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
6. Click OK in the Properties for PackageName dialog box.
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