Service Development Help : Using the Local Service Development Feature : Setting an Integration Server as the Local Development Server
Setting an Integration Server as the Local Development Server
A local development server is an Integration Server instance that is installed in the same installation directory as the Designer instance you are using. The local service development feature works with the local development server only. In versions prior to 9.10, Designer used only the Integration Server instance named “default” as the local development server. However, from version 9.10 release, you can set any Integration Server instance as the local development server as long as it is installed in the same installation directory as the Designer instance you are using.
By default, a new Designer installation includes a single server definition named Default. This server is marked as the default server and is configured to use localhost:5555.
If your Designer installation needs to connect to more Integration Servers, you can configure additional Integration Server instances on the Window > Preferences > Software AG > Integration Servers page. If there are multiple Integration Server instances configured, only one instance will be active at a time. The default Integration Server instance will be treated as the default local development server. However, you can set any of the available local Integration Server instances as the local development server.
To set an Integration Server as the local development server
*In Package Navigator view, right-click the Integration Server instance that you want to use as a local development server and select Use as Local Version Control Integration Server.
The server icon changes to indicating that it is an active local development server.
The Use as Local Version Control Integration Server option is available only if the selected Integration Server is connected and is installed in the same installation directory as the Designer instance.
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