Service Development Help : Working with JMS Triggers : Enabling or Disabling a JMS Trigger : JMS Trigger States
JMS Trigger States
A JMS trigger can have one of the following states:
Trigger State
The JMS trigger is running and connected to the JMS provider. Integration Server retrieves and processes messages for the JMS trigger.
The JMS trigger is stopped. Integration Server neither retrieves nor processes messages for the JMS trigger. The JMS trigger remains in this state until you enable the trigger.
The JMS trigger is running and connected to the JMS provider. Integration Server has stopped message retrieval, but continues processing any messages it has already retrieved. Integration Server enables the JMS trigger automatically upon server restart or when the package containing the JMS trigger reloads.
You can suspend a JMS trigger using Integration Server Administrator or the pub.triggers:suspendJMSTriggers service.
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