Service Development Help : Debugging Java Services : About Debugging a Java Service while it Runs in Integration Server
About Debugging a Java Service while it Runs in Integration Server
Benefits of Debugging Java Services Running in Integration Server
Drawbacks of Debugging Java Services Running in Integration Server
Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.7 or Later for Remotely Debugging a Java Service
Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.0, 9.5.x, or 9.6 for Remotely Debugging a Java Service
Creating a Java Project for an IS Package in Designer
Creating a Remote Java Application Launch Configuration
Debugging a Java Service while it Runs in Integration Server
As an alternative to debugging a Java service by using a test harness and debugging the local Java class in the Service Development Project, you can set up your Integration Server so that you can debug a Java service remotely. That is, use the features of Designer to debug a service that is running in Integration Server.
To debug a Java service using this method, you need to:
*For Integration Server version 9.7 or later, update and run startDebugMode.bat. For more information, see Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.7 or Later for Remotely Debugging a Java Service.
*For Integration Server version 9.0, 9.5.x, or 9.6, update the Integration Server setenv.bat/sh file to enable a debug port. For more information, see Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.0, 9.5.x, or 9.6 for Remotely Debugging a Java Service.
*Create a Java project in Designer from an existing source, which is the IS package in Integration Server. For more information, see Creating a Java Project for an IS Package in Designer .
*Create a Remote Java Application launch configuration to use when debugging the Java service. For more information, see Creating a Remote Java Application Launch Configuration.
*Open the Java service in Designer to set breakpoints and then execute it in debug mode.
Never remotely debug a Java service that is running on your production Integration Server. You should always use a development system.
Benefits of Debugging Java Services Running in Integration Server
Drawbacks of Debugging Java Services Running in Integration Server
Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.7 or Later for Remotely Debugging a Java Service
Setting Up Integration Server Version 9.0, 9.5.x, or 9.6 for Remotely Debugging a Java Service
Creating a Java Project for an IS Package in Designer
Creating a Remote Java Application Launch Configuration
Debugging a Java Service while it Runs in Integration Server
About Debugging a Java Service while its Class Runs in Designer
Debugging a Java Service while its Class Runs in Designer
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