Unit Test Framework : Unit Test Framework : Overview
Unit Test Framework is an Eclipse based testing tool that allows the developers to create unit tests for their development. These tests can be used to improve the overall development quality and helps to provide a mechanism to create automated tools for continuous integration and delivery.
Unit Test Framework provides the following functionalities:
*Provides service unit testing and regression testing tools that allows service developers to assemble unit tests without the need for additional development
*Enables integration with JUnit to leverage a standard unit testing framework, which already works well with Continuous Integration tools
*Enables ease of use for test development
*Provides a Java API for advanced users to create JUnit test cases
*Provides a user interface that is integrated in Software AG Designer. Software AG Designer ensures that users do not switch between tools for services development and corresponding test cases
*Provides a mechanism to repeatedly execute the service with same inputs and compare the results with an expected set of outputs
*Provides a framework for mocking service execution for steps that cannot be executed during the testing. For details, see Using Mocks
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