Unit Test Framework : Working with Unit Test Framework : Unit Test Framework Preferences : Advanced
The Advanced preferences control other behaviors of Unit Test Framework.
Use Relative Paths in Filenames
Makes file name references relative to the Eclipse project containing the test suite rather than using the full path. Using relative names helps in executing tests when the test suite and data files are moved between environments and systems. This option is enabled by default.
Allow custom comparator
Enables the option for the test creator to specify a custom comparator for expected output other than provided with the plug-in. The default setting is appropriate for most test case scenarios but may be needed for the advanced user. This setting only controls the display of the field that allows the selection of the comparator and does not allow/disallow this during execution.
Allow client side mock factory objects
Enables the option of creating client side factory object that do not need to be deployed on the server before executing test cases. This option controls the display of the field that controls whether the mock factory objects are needed on the server or can be pushed during the execution of the tests.
Display all fields in the expression editor
Enables additional fields in the Expected Output section of a test case. This option is useful if you want to check several output conditions together.
Allow editing of XML (Effective after reopen)
Enables editing of the XML source for the test suite. This option requires that the open test suite file is closed and reopened before its behavior reflects in the editor.
Allow scope selection for mocks
Enables scope selection for the mock. The default setting of unchecked is appropriate for most test case scenarios.
Confirm delete of single objects
Enables the display of a confirmation dialog box for every mock service or data entry delete.
Confirm delete of multiple objects
Enables the display of a confirmation dialog box when you delete multiple mock service or data entries.
Confirm service paste
Enables the display of a confirmation dialog box when you paste a test services.
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