Defining the Path Between an XDP and a PDF File
Use the following method to ensure the proper definition of a path to the PDF associated with an XDP file.
To manually edit the path to the PDF
1. The template folder in webMethods Content Service Platform (that is, the location where both the PDF and the exported XDP will reside) is Software AG_directory /CSP/system/templates.
2. Place the PDF file in this location, and export the XDP file into the same location.
3. Open the XDP file in a text editor and modify the href value. At this point, the href will contain only the name of the PDF file; for example, href="filename.pdf". Change the value to conform to the following example:
New Value: href =
CSPServerName:port defines the name and port number of the CSP server containing the PDF file. The remainder of the URL can be determined as described in
Determining the CSP URL for a PDF
4. Save the file.