Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Implementing E-form Support for BPM : Implementing E-forms : Adobe LiveCycle Implementation Considerations : Adobe Design Time Considerations for Task Applications : Defining the Path Between and an XDP and a PDF File : Mapping the Path
Mapping the Path
To map the path to the PDF
1. Define the template folder location somewhere in My webMethods Server (that is, the location where both the PDF and the exported XDP will reside). For example, this location can be a folder named "Templates" under Public Folders in My webMethods Server: /Public Folders/Templates/.
2. Connect to this folder with WebDAV or with a utility that enables you to map to an FTP or WebDAV server.
The Microsoft WebDAV implementation (Map a Network Drive) works as expected when you open an existing e-form template, modify it, and then save it to the original location. However, when attempting to save a newly created file to a WebDAV location using the "Save As" function, if you observe that Microsoft WebDAV fails to complete this task, you may want to investigate other WebDAV implementations or network mapping utilities to avoid this problem.
3. After mapping the /Public Folders/Templates/ folder so that it appears as a local drive, export the XDP file and save it directly into the mapped drive.
In this case, the XDP automatically registers a link to its associated PDF file using an absolute path at the time of export; no manual intervention is necessary.
It is important to note that in this case, the PDF does not reside in My webMethods Server, but can be located completely independently of the XDP location (as long as the PDF location is accessible to Software AG Designer and the run-time components (Integration Server, Process Engine, and Task Engine).
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