Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Configuring the VCS Integration Feature : Configuring the VCS Integration Feature : Configuring the WmVCS Package to Work with ClearCase
Configuring the WmVCS Package to Work with ClearCase
1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to the Solutions > VCS > Edit Configuration page.
2. In the Select Version Control System list, click ClearCase, and then click Save Changes.
3. Restart Integration Server.
4. Go to the Solutions > VCS > Edit Configuration page, click the Advanced Settings link, and complete the fields as follows:
Command Timeout (msec)
Period of time, in milliseconds, that a command has in which to execute. If the command does not execute within that period, it times out.
If you want to use the default of 60000 (one minute), leave this field blank. To change the default, specify a positive integer. If you want to have no timeout, enter -1.
The timeout is applied to each command. When ClearCase operations join several commands, the timeout is the sum of the timeouts for all the commands.
ClearCase View Directory
By default, Integration Server assumes that the files you work on are in a folder that is part of a Dynamic or SnapShot view. If you are going to specify a working folder, identify the mapping folder in a ClearCase Dynamic or Snapshot view.
If the Integration Server is installed in a Dynamic view, check the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages folder into ClearCase before working with VCS Integration feature.
Working Folder
If you work on files that reside in a folder that is not part of a Dynamic or Snapshot view, specify the name of the folder. Software AG recommends that you specify the Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name\packages directory, or an individual package in that directory.
Checkout Mode
ClearCase lets you choose whether your checkouts are Reserved, Unreserved, or Both. If you choose Unreserved, make sure your ClearCase VOB and View settings do not restrict unreserved check outs.
The VCS Integration feature does not support "diff" or merge operations. If you set the checkout mode to Unreserved and multiple users check out the same element, only the first user to check in will be successful. The other users will receive error messages.
ClearCase Branch Name
This field determines the branch used for the Get earlier version command. By default, ClearCase assumes that files you want to use reside on the main ClearCase branch. If they do not, identify the branch on which they do reside.
5. Click Save Changes.
6. Restart Integration Server.
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