Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Implementing Content Service Platform for BPM : Content Service Platform Services : pub.csp.content:createContentID
Creates a new content object in the CSP indicated by the friendlyName. After you create the content object, you can add document files to it using addFile.
Input Parameters
String The ID of the node to which the content will be added
You can see an example of nodeID usage in the sample included with webMethods Content Service Platform. The nodeID of “Automobile Accident Claims” is 8.
StringThe CSP server where the nodeID is located
HashMap <String,String> or String Optional. Contains key-value pairs that represent metadata about the created node. This can either be a String containing comma-separated key=value pairs (key1=value1, key2=value2) or a HashMap <String,String> with key-value pairs at each map index/position. You can associate any desired metadata key-value pairs with the created contentID.
Output Parameters
String The contentID of the object in the CSP with which files are associated. Represents a globally unique ID, or GUID.
String Indicates success or failure
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