Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : ARIS Method manual : Modeling within the views and levels of the ARIS concept : Product/Service modeling : Product/Service exchange diagram
Product/Service exchange diagram
The product/service exchange diagram illustrates the creation of products/services and their exchange within the company. The term product/service refers to the supply of either services or products, each of which is represented by the corresponding symbol. Products can be material types, operating resource types, technical operating supply types, and/or packaging material types, all of which are familiar from the EPC (material flow), for example. Products/Services that are the input for and/or output of functions can be connected with the start and/or end events of these functions.
This product/service exchange between business management functions can be used to advantage at an abstraction level that ranges between the value-added chain diagram and the EPC. The product/service exchange relationships can be illustrated not only from a functional viewpoint, but also from an organizational viewpoint. The product/service exchange diagram provides various modeling options to serve this purpose.
The following figure illustrates an example of a product/service exchange diagram.
Product/Service exchange diagram
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