Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : ARIS Method manual : Modeling BPMN 2.0 : Process : Events : Event definitions
Event definitions
BPMN 2.0 distinguishes the following event definitions: None, Message, Timer, error, Escalation, Cancel, Compensation, Conditional, Link, Signal, Terminate and Multiple (Parallel multiple is a special case Multiple). The different definitions are visualized by specific markers placed within the None start, Intermediate and End event symbol.
Mapping the attributes and model associations to ARIS:
BPMN attribute name
Implementation in ARIS
inherits from BaseElement
Attribute type Event definition (AT_BPMN_EVENT_DEFINITION) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT) Attribute values: None, Message, Timer, Error, Escalation, Cancel, Compensation, Conditional, Link, Signal, Terminate, Multiple. This attribute is read-only and set automatically by the software.
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Cancel intermediate event (ST_BPMN_CANCEL_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT) * Cancel end event (ST_BPMN_CANCEL_END_EVENT)
CompensationEvent Definition
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Compensation start event (ST_BPMN_COMPENSATION_START * Compensation intermediate event (catch)(ST_BPMN_COMPENSATION_INTERMEDIATE_CATCH * Compensation intermediate event (throw) (ST_BPMN_COMPENSATION_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) * Compensation end event (ST_BPMN_COMPENSATION_END_EVENT)
activityRef: Activity [0..1]
Attribute type Wait for completion (AT_BPMN_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETION) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes/Compensation event attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT).
ConditionalEvent Definition
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Conditional start event (ST_BPMN_RULE_START_EVENT) * Conditional start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_CONDITIONAL_START_NI) * Conditional intermediate event (ST_BPMN_RULE_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT) * Conditional intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_CONDITIONAL_INTERMEDIATE_NI)
condition: Expression
Attribute type Condition (AT_BPMN_RULE_EXPRESSION) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes/Conditional event attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT).
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Error start event (ST_BPMN_ERROR_START) * Error intermediate event (ST_BPMN_ERROR_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT * Error end event (ST_BPMN_ERROR_END_EVENT)
errorCode: string
Currently not implemented.
error: Error [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
EscalationEvent Definition
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Escalation start event (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_START) * Escalation start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_START_NI) * Escalation intermediate event (catch) (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_INTERMEDIATE_CATCH) * Escalation intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_INTERMEDIATE_NI) * Escalation intermediate event_throw (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) * Escalation end event (ST_BPMN_ESCALATION_END)
escalationCode: string
Currently not implemented.
escalationRef: Escalation [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Link intermediate event (catch) (ST_BPMN_LINK_INTERMEDIATE_CATCH) * Link intermediate event (throw) (ST_BPMN_LINK_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) Catch and throw link events are referred to each other by occurrence copies.
name: string
Attribute type Name (AT_NAME) of object type Event (OT_EVT)
MessageEvent Definition
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Message start event (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_START_EVENT) * Message start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_START_NI) * Message intermediate event (catch) (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_INTERMEDIATE_CATCH) * Message intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_INTERMEDIATE_NI) * Message intermediate event (throw) (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) * Message end event (ST_BPMN_MESSAGE_END_EVENT)
MessageRef: Message [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
operationRef: Operation [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
Multiple event
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Multiple start event (ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_START_EVENT) * Multiple start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_START_NI) * Multiple intermediate event (catch) (ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_INTERMEDIATE_CATCH) * Multiple intermediate event (non-interrupting)(ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_INTERMEDIATE_NI) * Multiple intermediate event (throw) (ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) * Multiple end event (ST_BPMN_MULTIPLE_END_EVENT)
None event
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Start event (ST_BPMN_SE) * Intermediate event (ST_BPMN_IE) * End event (ST_BPMN_EE) These symbols are available in the Symbols bar.
Parallel multiple event
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Parallel multiple start event (ST_BPMN_PARALLEL_MULTIPLE_START) * Parallel multiple start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_PARALLEL_MULTIPLE_START_NI) * Parallel multiple intermediate event (ST_BPMN_PARALLEL_MULTIPLE_INTERMEDIATE) * Parallel multiple intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_PARALLEL_MULTIPLE_INTERMEDIATE_NI)
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Signal start event (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_START_EVENT) * Signal start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_START_NI) * Signal intermediate event (catch) (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT) * Signal intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_INTERMEDIATE_NI) * Signal intermediate event (throw) (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_INTERMEDIATE_THROW) * Signal end event (ST_BPMN_SIGNAL_END_EVENT)
signalRef: Signal
Currently not implemented.
TerminateEvent Definition
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbol: * Terminate end event (ST_BPMN_TERMINATE_END_EVENT)
TimerEventDefini tion
inherits from BaseElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: * Timer start event (ST_BPMN_TIMER_START_EVENT) * Timer start event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_TIMER_START_NI) * Timer intermediate event (ST_BPMN_TIMER_INTERMEDIATE_EVENT) * Timer intermediate event (non-interrupting) (ST_BPMN_TIMER_INTERMEDIATE_NI)
timeDate: Expression [0..1]
Attribute type Time date (AT_BPMN_TIMEDATE) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes/Timer event attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT).
timeCycle: Expression [0..1]
Attribute type Time cycle (AT_BPMN_TIMECYCLE) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes/Timer event attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT)
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