Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering Integration Server : Configuring the Enhanced XML Parser : When Is the Enhanced XML Parser Used?
When Is the Enhanced XML Parser Used?
What Services Consume an Enhanced Node?
Integration Server uses the enhanced XML parser to parse an XML document only when the enhanced parser is specifically engaged. The enhanced XML parser can be engaged in one of the following three ways:
*By invoking pub.xml:loadEnhancedXMLNode.
*By invoking pub.xml:xmlStringToEnhancedXMLNode.
*By an HTTP/S POST request with a Content-Type of text/xml or application/xml that posts a request to a target service and one of the following is true:
*The request specifies xmlFormat=enhanced.
*The request does not specify an xmlFormat value but the target service has a Default xmlFormat property value of enhanced.
*The request does not specify an xmlFormat value, the Default xmlFormat property on the target service is blank, and watt.server.http.xmlFormat is set to enhanced.
For more information about xmlFormat in HTTP requests and the Default xmlFormat property, see webMethods Service Development Help.
Any services or applications that used the legacy XML parser will continue to do so. For the enhanced XML parser to be used in an existing service or application, you must change the service or application to call the enhanced XML parser using one of the methods listed above.
For existing services or applications, Software AG does not recommend engaging the enhanced XML parser by changing the watt.server.http.xmlFormat parameter to enhanced. This is a global parameter that affects the entire Integration Server. Changing the default xmlFormat for all of Integration Server instead of changing the xmlFormat on service or application basis might cause existing services and applications to fail.
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